Earlier this week I launched my brand new Telecourse 'How to create, offer and lead amazing Yoga retreats'. It is going to be a cracker! You can find out more about it here:

To celebrate we are going all things RETREAT on the call today.

So whether you love the idea of teaching retreats but you're not sure where to start
You've run retreats in the past and come home with less money and WAY less energy...

You'll LOVE today's call!

If leading amazing Yoga retreats is something you desire to do - or DO BETTER - and you’d prefer to not figure it out alone, then I’d strongly encourage you to register for my new program now.

In this 4-part virtual training program you'll learn:

  • The exact steps to take to create a Yoga Retreat that enables you to fully share your talents and passions while supporting your students AND generating abundance in your business.

  • The simple marketing requirements to offer your Yoga Retreat so you feel authentic and aligned with your people and know that you can connect with the students who need what you have to offer (without ever feeling pushy or salesy!) 

  • How to price your Retreat and the why and how of staging your pricing to incentivise registrations earlier rather than later (hint: no sleepless nights!)

  • How to stay grounded, confident and empowered as the Retreat leader so your participants have an incredible time receiving teachings and support from you & you don't return home feeling exhausted and frazzled!