This week I’m sharing (formerly) Patreon-only content… because I think this topic is SO important!

Before we get into that, a special announcement: ALL my homestudy courses are ON SALE for $50 each as my ‘end of era’, last chance sale. This is the LAST CHANCE to get any of my $200 home study programs for just $50. I’m taking them down from sale forever at the end of the month.

Use coupon code ‘goinggoing’ to get the $!50 discount. Shop here:

This ep is all about respecting the fact that the consumers of our content may feel a closer connection with us that we realise... and this can have power in balancing effects we may have overlooked in the past.

I can't wait to read your comments. Share your suggested 'hows' as well as any experiences you've had as a stan (!) or as an influencer.

Here are the resources for this episode:

Donald Horton & R. Richard Wohl

“Mass Communication and Para-Social Interaction: Observations on Intimacy at a Distance”

Sarah White

“Taylor Swift and the 1989 Album Release and Fan Response Parasocial Relationship Study”

Brittany Wong

“Wait, What The Heck Is A 'Parasocial Relationship'?”