You’re invited to be one of just six Yoga teachers to receive intimate one-on-one coaching and personalised support from me during this very special, limited event.

This is your chance to make major shifts in your Yoga business and mindset, as well as any emotional pieces that need to be opened up for you to take your life and biz to the next level.

Prepare to see the bigger picture of what’s possible for you into 2020 and beyond as you, me and a high-end group of Yoga teachers who are also going for it in their life and biz focus on how exactly you can get out of the grind and accomplish your dreams.

  • This exclusive one-day retreat will take place at Surfside Tribe, Mona Vale, NSW.

  • You’ll begin with a morning welcome circle, where you’ll have the opportunity to declare your Sankalpa for the day and what you’d like to receive from my coaching and the group in this experience.

  • Afterwards, you will receive one-on-one attention from me on anything from emotional blocks, branding, discovering your ideal student, marketing, planning your next new offering, teaching skills, building your business or structures and systems—you name it!

  • Along with receiving individual training and feedback from me, you’ll have the opportunity to watch other Teachers' coaching, perhaps hearing the questions you didn’t know to ask.

  • Then, enjoy a healthy, high-vibe lunch while enjoying the company of your new Yoga teaching colleagues and friends, getting to know me and the other participants on a deeper level.

  • Spaces are limited (6) and offered on a first-come, first-serve basis. If this is for YOU, don’t delay and register today.


With my guidance, you’ll set yourself up for success the smart way, not the hard way. Together we can:

  • Clarify the true level of abundance you desire from your Yoga biz and create a super-simple and do-able plan to achieve it.

  • Eliminate the Chaya (shadow) in your pricing, scheduling and class offerings so your business model makes sense and is in alignment with your desired lifestyle.

  • Determine the two best social media platforms for your business so you’re not spreading yourself too thin and can show up in a confident and empowered way online.

  • Map out your messaging and marketing so you’re clear on what to do and how to do it to attract the perfect students to your unique offerings.

  • Dissolve blocks and barriers and correct mindset misalignments so you’re actually ready to receive money in your Yoga biz!


This Group Masterminding Day Retreat is designed to get you clear on your unique position in the market place, transform any self-limiting beliefs that have kept you hidden and not making the money you deserve...

PLUS you’ll walk away knowing exactly how to adjust your money mindset to attract the income you crave, while belonging to a new group of high-level (and high-vibe!) Yogipreneurs who are here to believe in you.


 A Full Day Group Masterminding Retreat

 One-on-One Coaching from me

An intimate group of Yogiprenuers to support and encourage you


$197 AUD

(Normally $950)




I've lead workshops, classes and retreats for years, across the corporate and holistic spectrum. I know how it feels to invest in a day of training or coaching and leave feeling washed out and wasted.

That's why working with me in a small, exclusive group is perfectly balanced with space, reflection, nourishment and pause, giving you ample opportunity to grow into new ways of thinking without feeling forced or unclear.

I'm also a complete open book and ready to share anything from my success AND my difficulties where it will be in service to your journey.

It's a nourishing YOU-focussed day where you'll leave feeling complete: recharged, clear on what to do and how to do it and inspired about growing your abundant business.




Just some of the topics we could cover include:

  • Where to find students and clients (never again say, I can’t find any clients!)

  • Crafting your classes, services, prices and packages so you know exactly WHAT you are selling and WHY someone would decide to work with you.

  • How to write sales copy that practically sells itself.

  • Confidence on how to create space and a culture that serves both you and your students (including how to handle late-comers, how to receive payment with grace and how to work with co-dependent or needy clients and students).

  • Infusing your personality and essence into your brand so you feel lit up by your authentic service to your community.

  • Creating a marketing plan for the next 90 days so you know what you need to be sending out and when.

  • Website restoration: how to refine and clarify your services and shine your personality through your website.

  • Community building through social media and list building, so you always have a steady steam of potential clients who can’t wait to work with you.

  • Dissolving and releasing any lack mentality that may be in conflict with growing your business so you're aligned for abundance.



A day with Amy gave me the insight and vision to implement a strategic plan to create the breakthrough I had been looking for. Amy worked with me on gaining clarity and truly committing to marketing with purpose, and she took the time to teach me the nuts and bolts to move forward. Amy supported me on all levels of self-discovery and mastery to overcome the obstacles, limiting mind-set and outdated beliefs, that were preventing me from soaring towards my desired business. Amy shows up with a well-planned business strategy; her expertise.

At the end of my One Day Retreat with Amy she had me using Instagram, Twitter and taught me new ways to reach my clients in Facebook. Within a week I signed on two new clients from the work we did in one day.
— Elaine Grace Copeland Therapeutic Nutrition & Lifestyle Coach, Arizona, U.S.A.
I want to share what an inspiring, empowering and transformational day I had with Amy and the other gorgeous ladies on our Mastermind day in London. I have a reasonably successful yoga business and enrolled on the day as I felt the time was right to step up to the next level in my business; I had loads of ideas but was indecisive about my path. I received the clarity on that and so much more!! As well as diving into my business, we dived into my personal life...and Amy helped me unpick and release some limiting beliefs that had been holding me back. ( As a coach myself...I had already done loads of work on these....but there were more lurking beneath the surface). I left with clarity in my life as well as my business and a vision that’s so powerful and much bigger than I could have imagined. I’m incredibly excited ( and a bit scared) about the future now.
— Allison Keley Yoga Teacher and Goddess Empowerment, UK
I flew to London just to meet with Amy and fellow yogis for the Mastermind and it did not disappoint! Not only did my one on one with Amy help clarify my vision but listening and conversing with the other wonderful women there, about their own vision, was unexpectedly beyond helpful in my own journey. I could not wait to to get home to put my new plan into action!
— Samantha Martinez, Yoga Teacher, Bermuda
The Mastermind day was a fabulous opportunity to focus on my business goals in one place with no distraction. I was able to benefit from listening to other Yogis plans & understand how I could apply the concepts to my business. Amy’s expertise really shone through in our 121 session. Meeting other like minded Yogis has meant a new circle of people to share high vibe goals & dreams with for an abundant yoga business.
— Lara Darby, Lara Darby Yoga, UK.
Having come back from the summer break feeling a bit despondent about the lack of regular students who had signed up for the next term of yoga classes, I was needing an injection of enthusiasm to get my Yoga Business back on track. I certainly received this in a day of working with Amy and some other fabulous yoga teachers from the UK and beyond. We came up with strategies to clear space, bring new energy into the business and invite new students to sign up - 3 weeks later I have gone from 2 packages sold to 11!
— Rosie Deane, Yoga with Rosie, Ascot, UK.
The experience of being in a place with a common goal for discussion and take aways was invaluable. I will also treasure the moment, there is no doubt that when great minds get together, the outcome is powerful.
— Carolina Herrera. Magenta Stars, Dallas, TX.

Have questions?

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