Going live on video on your social media platforms is one of the BEST ways to engage your audience and invite new people into your classes, workshops and events.


And yet so many Yoga teachers I speak to are terrified about doing it.




The two most common reasons I hear from people in the Abundant Yoga Teacher Community is that they are worried they won’t have anything to say, and that when they do say something, they’ll look silly.


In this brief article I’m addressing both of these concerns with some simple, no-nonsense tips and ideas.


Before we jump in, if you’re looking for some really high-quality social media training—that has everything you need and thing you don’t—my famous training program, ‘Social Media Confidence for Yoga Teachers’ is now available to stream for FREE. (I used to charge $200 for it). You can get it here: http://eepurl.com/h1Fo2L






I believe that the true measure of ‘successful’ social media is engagement. The more genuine, meaningful interactions you can have with people, the better. I’d prefer one great DM exchange than 50 likes. And I’d certainly prefer one insightful comment exchange than 1000 people watching your reel.


If you’re anything like me and you use social media to spread the word of Yoga and encourage more people to take it up, chances are you’d prefer to be authentic rather than fake and be real rather than impressive. Excellent. You’re the perfect candidate for engaging and meaningful live video.


So now on to the tips.


A mistake I see newbies make when it comes to going live on video is overpreparing. Often scripting your content can lead to wooden ‘performance’. These days people crave authenticity. So rather than over-preparing to combat your ingénue nerves, try these super simple steps to get going!



Before pressing the ‘go live’ button, jot down your answers to these 5 points:


1.What is the title of the video you're going to create?


Knowing the topic will help you start strong, stay on point, and be succinct and clear.



2. What are your three sub points?


Jot down three subheadings so you don’t forget things to say, run too short or get too waffly.



3. What are 5 engagement questions you can ask as your video plays?


Encouraging people to interact with you while watching you live OR on replay will help build connection and give you an algorithm boost. Think ‘Where are you watching in from?’ ‘Have you done Yoga before?’ ‘What’s your favourite pose’ etc.



4. What is your call to action?


What is the action you’re going to ask your viewers to take after watching your vid? Sign up for your workshop? Follow your account? Buy a membership? Know this in advance and have any URLs you want to mention handy.






Now it’s time to address the other common concern newbie live video Yoga teachers share with me: what should we talk about?


The good news here is that Yoga is SO full of ideas that you’re never actually going to run out of options. To help, I’ve come up with 50. There’s sure to be a couple in this list that will work for you and your Yoga biz!



1.     What to expect at your first Yoga class

2.     Three stretches for mountain bike riders

3.     Meditation for sleep

4.     Meditation for a job interview

5.     Chakras 101

6.     Who was Patanjali, really?

7.     Ujayi Pranayama

8.     What is Sattva?

9.     How to use books to create a bolster at home

10.  The best pose for jet lag

11.  Four Yoga asana you can do in bed

12.  Why Hanuman went to Lanka

13.  How Ganesha got an elephant head

14.  My current favourite Yoga book

15.  My current favourite yoga album

16.  A recipe for DIY chai

17.  How to cook kitchari

18.  Adapting your practice with the seasons

19.  A gentle menstruation sequence

20.  Three tips for pressing up to handstand

21.  Yoga nidra

22.  Chanting 108 recitations of the Gayatri mantra

23.  The muscles of the core and how to work them

24.  How to stay comfortable in seated meditation

25.  What are the Gunas?

26.  What are the Indreyas?

27.  Who was Yogananda?

28.  What to do if you feel light headed in Yoga

29.  Three stretches for people who golf

30.  Four Yoga asana to help with power lifting

31.  How Yoga helps with bone density

32.  Why Yoga is/isn't all you need to stay fit and active

33.  The eight limbs of Yoga

34.  Avoiding common Yoga injuries

35.  Yoga to cool you down in summer

36.  Yoga to warm you up in winter

37.  How to start a home practice

38.  Yoga at your desk!

39.  Three fun Asana for kids

40.  The meaning of 'Asteya'

41.  How Hanuman broke his jaw

42.  Beginners guide to simple arm balances

43.  How to improve your posture with Yoga

44.  Partner Yoga

45.  Yoga to do with your kids

46.  Bhastrika pranayama

47.  How to strengthen your hamstrings

48.  Important modifications for lower back pain

49.  What's happening at the studio this week!

50.  Behind the scenes of my retreat


Now that you’ve got some simple tips to feel more confident before you start the video and you’ve got a load of topic ideas to get you going, you’re all set to meet new people online, engage with them in meaningful ways and invite them to sign up for your classes, workshops and events.



Before we finish, five final tips so you’re truly ready to go:


1.     Start strong! (No 'ums' or 'Hi guys, I'm jumping on quickly now because I just wanted...' (ARGH!))


2.     Speak clearly, slowly and with authority


3.     Talk WITH people: interact If no one is watching, imagine they are


4.     If something goes sideways, it's OK! Gaffs are most often simply endearing. Keep going!


5.     If it's REALLY bad, stop and delete the video. Start over.



You’ve got this!



Remember, get ALL my Yoga-specific social media training for FREE by accessing ‘Social Media Confidence for Yoga Teachers’, my 4-part video training program, here: http://eepurl.com/h1Fo2L