What is it?

My Grow, Serve and Shine Referral Program is a way to support the people who have experienced and believe in my business coaching to share me and my services with their networks.

Essentially it is a very informal affiliate payment system where you share information about me and my services with your community in a way that feels authentic to you. If someone you share with goes on to be my client then I forward you a thank you payment.

This way more people get to know me, clients can find me and benefit from my services and you receive a 'monetary thank you' (which you hopefully can do something delicious with like a spa day or a weekend training!)

How does it work?

The first step is to make sure that you believe in what I'm doing and can feel authentic in speaking about my services. Past and current clients as well as close colleagues are a great fit here.

Then, if you are pleased with the results you've had after working with me you can pass on some information about me to people in your community you think could benefit. I've put together a few bits and pieces below that can help you here.

When a new client signs up with me I always make sure to ask them where they heard about me. Then, I'll contact you to make sure I've got your payment details before forwarding you the payment.

The Grow, Serve & Shine Coaching package is $2800 for new clients. A referral payment is $600. Both of these amounts are U.S. dollars.

How to you keep track / where do I sign up?

I work with a relatively small number of clients at any one time. This means I can stay focussed and attentive to what it is that they are working on. It also means that I'm not going to lose track of your referral! Also, unlike more 'systematised' affiliate payment programs, this is simple and small-scale (like me!) so there aren't any sign ups, tracking links or logins to manage or worry about.

What do I tell people?

I've put some copy here that you can use, edit and use or use as a guide for sharing information with your community. You can also find more information about Grow, Serve & Shine here: 

I know what it’s like to feel stuck, knowing that what you have to offer is of importance and service to the world, and also knowing you’ve not quite got your business to the level you desire. I also know that for us spirit-centred entrepreneurs, standard business coaching can feel cheesey, salesey and inauthentic.

So if you’re looking to uplevel your business in a way that is completely in alignment with your values and path I am super excited to tell you about ‘Grow, Serve & Shine’ a 12-week private business coaching program put together by my friend and fellow yoga teacher, Amy McDonald.

Amy gets how to craft the nuts and bolts to support you to grow, serve and SHINE in bringing your gifts to the world with ease and abundance. She ONLY works with holistic practitioners and yoga teachers who are looking to uplevel their business with heart, passion and spirit. She’ll work with you to set up the structures and systems to bring in the ideal clients for you, lift your marketing, fine-tune your web presence and copy and bring in more abundance.

I really recommend Amy’s approach to business coaching, having benefitted from her advice and support in my own work. To learn more about her program, click here: http://www.amymcdonald.com.au/businesscoaching.html And don’t forget to mention me if you decide to work with Amy!
— Edit as you please.

How do I get started?

You can start sharing information whenever you like. My intention is to keep the referral program available. So, if you already know someone who might benefit from working with me, please pass on my details and let's see what happens.

Oh, and a quick note to finish: I'm selective about who I work with in this way. Integrity is very important to me, as I'm sure it is to you. So sharing information with colleagues and friends should always feel good, open and 'high vibe'.

Questions? Email me at amy@amymcdonald.com.au