Letting go of good to make space for awesome

Letting go of good to make space for awesome

What if 'good enough' actually isn't?
This week on the podcast we spoke about letting go of good to make space for awesome to flow in.

In the call I'm also sharing why I'm QUITTING coaching...

Here is the link to learn more about Grow, Serve & Shine

Please use promotion code 'final4' to receive the $1000 discount. There are only 2 spots left now, so if this is the time for you, please don't miss out!

If we don't know each other yet, please book in for a quick call with me to make sure I'm the right coach for you.

Here is what some of my clients have said about working with me:

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at amy@amymcdonald.com.au

Yoga for Everybody Everywhere

Yoga for Everybody Everywhere

A very inspiring call today with Stacey Nelson about what Yoga for everybody ACTUALLY means.

We talked selfcare, specialisation, getting the right training, managing your energy and heaps more!


 In this call I'm also sharing a little about why I'm quitting coaching. If you'd like to learn more, click here:

Abundant Yoga Teacher Weekly Call: Bringing more YOU to class

Abundant Yoga Teacher Weekly Call: Bringing more YOU to class

Over the past few weeks I've been sharing with folks in this community the importance of authentic voice and offering what YOUR Yoga is and means to your students.

I believe that it is only when we do this that we have full classes, retreats and events.

So over the weekend I had the chance to put my money where my mouth is (so to speak) and teach from MY authentic Yoga.

And I'm going to be sharing about this experience in the Weekly Call this week. I hope you can join me!


And also on this call i'm officially opening the Abundant Yoga Teacher Retreat for registrations!! 


Here is the link to learn more:

How to Offer, Fill and Hold Powerful 1:1 Classes

How to Offer, Fill and Hold Powerful 1:1 Classes

Do you have the desire to increase the services you offer your students and private classes are the next step for you?

Are you already offering private classes but people just aren't signing up?

Are you enticed by the idea of teaching private classes but not sure how much to charge of if you even know anyone that would pay that much?

In this Weekly Call I'll be sharing how I teach privates - including my 3-part model - to support my students on a deeper level, while also calling in abundance for my Yoga business as I do what I love!

Learn more about 

POWERFUL & PROSPEROUS PRIVATE CLASSES: A 4-part telecourse to learn how to offer, fill and teach private yoga classes to more deeply support your students while generating abundance in your Yoga business.


Abundant Yoga Teacher Open Mike: Monthly QnA

Abundant Yoga Teacher Open Mike: Monthly QnA

It's that time again! On tis podcast I'm answering all of your questions!

We are talking pricing structures, spreadsheets and record keeping and I'm also sharing a little about my retreat coming up in September, including why I've chosen a new pricing system this time and what you might learn from it.


If you want to learn more about the Abundant Yoga Teacher Retreat you can do that here:

Abundant Yoga Teacher Inaugural Bookclub!

Abundant Yoga Teacher Inaugural Bookclub!

When you run your own Yoga biz you get to set all the rules... and for me that makes being a YOGA NERD absolutely OK!

So in this podcast I'm hosting my first ever Yoga Teacher Book Club and we are talking about Guru Jagat's book, 'Invincible Living'.


Staying Creative and Inspired

Staying Creative and Inspired

Do you ever feel that teaching weekly classes can feel a little monotonous? Or are you interested in blending story or poetry through your classes?

In this call we'll be exploring some fun ideas to keep you feeling inspired and creative in your yoga classes, workshops and business!

You'll meet the amazing Kate Chadbourne - a modern day Bard - who has created some gorgeous gifts for us that you can collect here:

Taking the Next Step and Overcoming Fear

Taking the Next Step and Overcoming Fear

In this week's call I'm discussing with Narelle Andren, Co-Founder of Melting Pot Loft Yoga Studios in New South Wales about fear, trust, faith and calling in more than you even knew you were capable of. An inspiring conversation!

Join Narelle and I at her beautiful studio in Coffs Harbour for our Abundant Yoga Teacher Immersion. Or meet us in Brisbane, Melbourne or Adelaide.

Growing Your Yoga Business Last Chance QnA

Growing Your Yoga Business Last Chance QnA

This is it, folks! The last chance to get your questions answered before registrations close for Growing Your Yoga Business THIS SUNDAY.

In this call I'm answering all of the FAQs I've been receiving over the past few weeks as well as sharing a little about the program and the people who have already signed up.

After listening to the call you still have questions, please email me at amy@amymcdonald.com.au

I can't wait to welcome you in to the program!

Inspiration Session!

Inspiration Session!

In the Abundant Yoga Teacher Weekly Call this week I'm VERY excited to introduce you to three stellar clients of mine who are really going for it - each in their own ways - in their Yoga businesses this year.

You'll meet Karen from Australia, mother of two kids, avid learner, Reiki healer and Yoga teacher who teaches from her small home-based studio.

You'll meet Sarah in Singapore, Yoga teacher and aspiring retreat leader who has recently been published in Elephant Journal on the topic of teaching Yoga to teenagers on the autistic spectrum (an area of speciality for her).

You'll also meet Rachel from England (who I introduced you to last week) who is welcoming abundance in her life and increasingly sharing her authentic voice in her small community (at an ice cream farm!)

Karen, Sarah and Rachel have also all signed up for Growing Your Yoga Business. On the call they'll explain why they know they've still got more to learn, and why growing IN community is important to them.

Have you registered for Growing Your Yoga Biz yet? There is just over a week to take your place.

5 Mindset Shifts to Use Social Media to Grow Your Yoga Biz WITHOUT Getting into Overwhelm!

5 Mindset Shifts to Use Social Media to Grow Your Yoga Biz WITHOUT Getting into Overwhelm!

Are any of these you:

-What on earth do I post?

-I don't want to share my whole life with people I don't know!

-I feel like FB is taking over my life!

-I'm sick of hyper-vigilance: I'm checking my social media ALL. THE. TIME.

Or maybe you have your own form of social media wackadoodle-ness. No matter: I got you covered! In this call I'm sharing 5 key mindset shifts to get yourself out of overwhelm and back into effective action so that social media builds your Yoga biz!

Have you enrolled for Growing Your Yoga Biz yet? 


Get to, #yoganerd! There's a Payment Plan option available for you too, now.

Here is the link:

Ganapati and Visioning Your Yoga Biz in 2017

Ganapati and Visioning Your Yoga Biz in 2017

In this workshop we'll be working with Visioning (governed by Shakti) and moving through an exploration of what Ganapati has to teach us with his iconography when it comes to being sweet, gentle, wise and skilful at overcoming obstacles.

Oh, and he also has the abundance piece down, being created from pure Shakti himself ;.

There is also a workbook that goes along with the training that you can access here:

Getting Clear and Empowered: Sales as Seva

Getting Clear and Empowered: Sales as Seva

In this week's call I'm going to be sharing:

- How Seva works in my business so that I generate abundance with confidence and without ever feeling icky or weird.

- How I feel completely in integrity when I am offering products and services in my business and am only attracting clients and students who desire to work with me.

- How you can drop all of the drama about being pushy or salesy with enrolments so you feel amazing talking about what you do and you're warmly welcoming in the people who genuinely need what you have to offer!

Sound good?

Here it is!

Have you registered for Growing Your Yoga Business yet?


Here is the link to save your place!

The money mindset of an abundant Yoga business owner

The money mindset of an abundant Yoga business owner

This week we are going to focus on the money mindset piece (which also forms Module 1 of the Growing Your Yoga Business Program,which is now a third full...)

Here's what I know for sure: until we address the underlying mindset piece about being aligned for abundance, no amount of nutsy-boltsy trainings are going to make a difference to the level of ease and flow you desire in your life and business.

So in the Weekly Call this week I'll be sharing some Yoga stories and techniques to help you get clear on your money mindset so you're ready to receive abundance this year.

Also, don't forget this fun bonus:

Turning Your Shortfalls Into Strengths!

Turning Your Shortfalls Into Strengths!

Time and time again I laugh with my clients about the secret learnings we uncover in becoming Yoga Business Owners.

  • Who thought upping your prices would trigger an existential crisis?
  • Who knew creating a new online course would bring up your childhood junk?
  • Who could ever imagine that you'd be photoshopping a friend's crotch... (Yes, that happened. Hang out here to find out more...)

As my coach says, if you want the BEST personal development program on the planet, start your own business!

So this week on the call you'll discover a simple and massively effective method to tune in to your natural tendencies. (Hint: when they are misaligned, you're playing small, struggling and being triggered. When you're attuned with them they are your biggest propulsion and strengths)

And a reminder that the $400 in bonuses

finish THIS WEEKEND for

Growing Your Yoga Biz!

End of Year Celebrations!

End of Year Celebrations!

This year my Sankalpa was to have the best year of my life... so far. In this call I'm celebrating all that 2016 was for me, and also sharing some reflection ideas for you to look back on your most recent trip around the sun, drawing insight from your experience.

Also, remember that 'Growing Your Yoga Business' is now open for enrolments! (And if you are looking for the VIP track it is already half full). Here is the link for more info: http://www.amymcdonald.com.au/growingyouryogabiz 


Monthly Open Mike!

Monthly Open Mike!

Well it's nearly the end of the year and WOW have I seen some amazing growth in this community. That means it's time to celebrate all of your work, your service and your development. YES!

In this call I'm answering tonnes of your questions as well as letting you in on some very exciting news...


P.S. - if you're catching this replay early, there is an even more exciting special offer for you... Here is a hint: