Feeling Supported on your Journey

Feeling Supported on your Journey

On the Abundant Yoga Teacher Weekly Call this week I'm sharing some of my most favourite ways to feel supported on the 'solo-preneur' journey.

I hope they are useful!

How to Ask for Useful Feedback

How to Ask for Useful Feedback

I'm asked so many questions about what talented teachers should do in their classes, how they should alter their pricing or timetable and what additional offerings they should develop.

Guess what? Most times it is our STUDENTS and clients that we could be asking, afterall they are the ones who will be signing up to work with us.

And yet it can feel scary asking for feedback. What if you get something that you don't like? Gulp!

GOOD NEWS! I'm sharing in this podcast how to ask for feedback with grace and how to use it (often with even more grace!). I'll also share a few feedback horror stories with you, too, to prove that it is all surviveable! Enjoy!

Oh, and while you're listening, I'd be MEGA grateful if you could give me YOUR feedback by completing a micro survey here:

Monthly Open Mike!

Monthly Open Mike!

Woot! It's that time of the month: I'm taking your questions and this month Leonie Beck is our superstar free coaching recipient! Yeehah! Way to take action, Leonie!

I'm also celebrating the stellar energy and commitment in this group with a sale. Check that out here: www.amymcdonald.com.au/bundles

Finding Sthira and Sukham in Your Pricing

Finding Sthira and Sukham in Your Pricing

In this call I'm sharing my (perhaps a little wacky) method to determine the best way to price for your events, workshops and classes (hint: it's how I price all of my offerings).

I'm also discussing how the role o the teacher extends to how you relate to you students when it comes to the cashola.


Jambavan, Hanuman and Honest Self-Assessment

Jambavan, Hanuman and Honest Self-Assessment

Today I'd like to introduce you to a character you might not know of.

Perhaps you've heard his name before. Perhaps you've no idea who he is.

(And yet you've known him all along!)

Meet Jambavan.

We will use his story to reflect on who you really are, and whether there are any leaps ahead for you and your biz as 2016 draws to a close.

(Have your journal and a pen ready for this replay.)



Behind the Scenes of my Thailand Abundant Yoga Retreat

Behind the Scenes of my Thailand Abundant Yoga Retreat

Wow. That kind of sums up how AH-MAZING the group of women were who joined me on retreat last week for the VERY first Abundant Yoga Teacher Retreat in Chiang Mai in Thailand.

In this Weekly Call I'm sharing a little of what our experience was like, as well as a few ambient Thai sounds... ;)

What I learned from my trip to India that might help you, too!

What I learned from my trip to India that might help you, too!

This week I'm sharing some insights and personal stories from my recent trip to India. Enjoy!

(And a final note that if you want to work with me this year, it's HERE and NOW. xox)

Here are the resources that I mentioned on the call:

Lastly, if you're interested in Belinda O'Dea's retreat, I think she has a spot left! Learn about that here.

3 Things to Do Right Now to Attract More Private Clients

3 Things to Do Right Now to Attract More Private Clients

Do you offer private Yoga? Working one-on-one with your favourite students is not only TOTALLY rewarding, it is also a really abundant way to serve.

So if you're wondering about how to go out and find some private Yoga students... I've got you covered!

If coming up with a private clients plan is something that really appeals to you, I'm opening up some 3-hour intensives this month (and no more for the rest of the year).

You can learn more here:


Why I'm Raising My Rates and You Should, Too!

Why I'm Raising My Rates and You Should, Too!

Over the past few weeks I've been supporting some of the amazing Yoga teachers in this community to raise their prices. Even though they were reporting that it was a scary and daunting task, I knew it was fairly straight forward...

...Until a colleague recommended (accurately) that I needed to do the same!


In this podcast we're talking all things raising rates: why we can feel the fear and do it anyway! I'm also outlining (gulp again) my new pricing structure come October first!

What is Social Proof and Why Do You Need It?

What is Social Proof and Why Do You Need It?

Social proof is SOOO important for compelling webpages. So... what is it?

In this week's training I'm sharing WHAT it is, HOW to get it and WHY you really must have it. Oh, and there's a Hanuman analogy thrown in for good measure, too!

Ready to really make an impact with your website?

Ready to be confident AND magnetic online?

Ready to have your ONLINE studio match your IN PERSON presence?


Registrations for 'Create Your Perfect Yoga Website' close TOMORROW!

Abundant Yoga Teacher Monthly Q&A

Abundant Yoga Teacher Monthly Q&A

It's that time again: the Abundant Yoga Teacher Monthly Q&A Session! 

Some great questions sent in this month: thanks folks! Enjoy the replay!

And if you're looking for more information about how to up-level your website without spending a tonne of money or becoming a computer nerd: good news! Here is the info about 'Your Perfect Yoga Website'!

Registrations close Friday 16 September.

4 Simple Steps to Your Perfect Yoga Website

4 Simple Steps to Your Perfect Yoga Website

These days it's simply not possible to have an Abundant Yoga Business without a compelling, powerful online presence.

And yet so many Yoga teachers I speak with have websites they know are terrible (read: 'website shame') or are trying to grow a business without a website at all (read: 'website denial')!!

The great news is that once you know some insider tips and tricks, there has never been a better time to create a simple AND inspiring website than right now!

Also during this call I'm formally opening 'Your Perfect Yoga Website' for registrations!

This brand new, designed by this community, offering is a 4-part telecourse to learn how to create a magnetic website that truly reflects your Yoga teaching style & biz brand to attract the perfect students and clients to your classes, workshops and retreats.

Abundant Yoga Teacher Monthly Q&A: Open Mike!

Abundant Yoga Teacher Monthly Q&A: Open Mike!

Super fun podcast call today workshopping newsletters and posters from gorgeous Yoga teachers in this community who are really going for it!

Thanks for sharing your work with us so we can all learn!

(Check below the audio bar for images and links so you can follow along with the makeovers!)

Also on the call today I announced the special guest stars that will be joining me and Dhugal in London and Edinburgh for the Abundant Yoga Teacher Immersions we are hosting in September.


If you're thinking of coming along it would be AWESOME if you could RSVP sooner rather than later so Dhugal and I can confirm our special London guest star... exciting! (As is our Dublin special guest star! You'll have to tune in to listen!)


Here is the link o RSVP: http://www.amymcdonald.com.au/immersions/


Note there are a few places remaining that come with a free follow up coaching call with me!

Here are the images I'm discussing in the podcast:

How I Used Virtual Retreats to Launch My Online Yoga Biz

How I Used Virtual Retreats to Launch My Online Yoga Biz

Yesterday was my birthday. As with all birthdays, this is a time of year when I pause and reflect.

This year it really strikes me how much my life has changed.

Even two years ago I would never have imagined that I'd be free from my corporate job (while earning more money than I did then) and travelling the world.

Only in my wildest dreams did I think it would be possible for me to be the woman who 'over-summered' in Europe, hanging out with awesome clients and colleagues and all the while making a difference in people's lives by sharing what I know works.

So this week in the Weekly Call it feels absolutely perfect to be sharing with you one of the biggest stepping stones I found in my business to take me from struggling, adrenal fatigue, corporate worker, yoga-wannabe to now.

During the call I'm extending an invitation to everyone to join my new program, 'Your Powerful Virtual Wellness and Yoga Retreats'.

This program will give you the essential pieces to create your own online yoga retreats. 

The first training is in just one week (August 11). 

How to incorporate the essential teachings of Siva Nataraja for greater biz flow

How to incorporate the essential teachings of Siva Nataraja for greater biz flow

Dancing Siva--the ultimate Yogi is his 'Ananda Tandava'--has LOADS to teach us about being in flow and recognising that every part of our businesses are in constant movement, shifting from one stage to the next.

In this call I'll break down some of the things Siva Nataraja has to share, and how we can apply them to our bizzes to flow more, stress less, and be OK (or even lit up!) about change.

How to channel the secret power in procrastination

How to channel the secret power in procrastination

If you've NEVER experienced procrastination before, please navigate away from this page...

Oh, still here? Great! In this Weekly Call I'm sharing three hidden boons that can hide in procrastination, as well as how you can make friends with the Golden Pillow. (Trust me, it will make sense once you listen in!)

I'm also sharing more about what a day in the life of being on retreat with me looks like! Remember there are just two weeks before the Early Bird registration flies away, so now is not the time to procrastinate if you'd like to join us. 

Insider Yoga DJ tips to amazing music in your Yoga classes

Insider Yoga DJ tips to amazing music in your Yoga classes

In this week's Abundant Yoga Teacher Weekly Call we're talking all things music in class.

You'll meet a very inspiring client of mine, yoga teacher and DJ Selena Isles (DJ Serious Black) who will share her wisdom to curate great class playlists, what its like being on a national Yoga festival circuit AND celebrating the launch of her new album! Super fun.

Imagine falling back in love with your business and reconnecting to why you are doing it in the first place.

Imagine finally having the clarity you need to break through to the next level of your yoga biz.

Come on retreat with me to experience all this and more from a place of joy, rather than a place of stress.

(Oh, and did I mention there will be Yoga, meditation and the most amazing Thai food you've ever had??

The Early bird registrations for my Abundant Yoga Teacher Retreat finish soon. Learn more here: http://www.amymcdonald.com.au/retreats/

And there is also one scholarship place remaining. If you would like to take it, please email me at amy@amymcdonald.com.au

(The early bird price is $1597, the standard price is $1997 and the scholarship is $997: nice, eh?)

How to Make Your Yoga Biz Make Money

How to Make Your Yoga Biz Make Money

First up, a short note from me from Berlin! (Feeling the Bhav... can you tell?)

Next, in this week's call I'm sharing my responses to this question, 'How do I make my Yoga biz MAKE money?' Enjoy!

Learn more about 'Make Your Yoga Biz Make Money' right here:

Not sure what you can achieve with me in just 3 hours? Here is what one of my clients said this week about 3 hours with me:

‘Make Your Yoga Biz Make Money’ is open for registrations only through to the end of the month.
However, the time we will spend together will be scheduled at a time that suits both of us perfectly somewhere in the period early July to mid August.

So there is loads of time to fit it in to your calendar.

In fact, I’m intentionally keeping those 5 weeks aside specifically for working with the gorgeous folks who are already enrolling for the program.

This offer does go away 30 June or once the 16 places are sold (whichever comes first).

Here is the link to learn more: http://www.amymcdonald.com.au/3hours


How to Offer, Fill and Hold Retreats with Grace and Ease

How to Offer, Fill and Hold Retreats with Grace and Ease

Once we get past the basics: overcoming visibility, comfort with marketing, filling our exisiting classes and feeling more confident about what makes us unique in what we offer, many of us desire to offer longer opportunities for our students.

If you've thought about workshops or retreats, or if you'd like some insights to make your future workshops and retreats even better, you'll enjoy this call!

Can you believe that the year is almost half way done? Yowsers!

June is a busy time for us biz coaches because its the time when folks realise that they aren't quite tracking to their goals for the year... and people are also thinking about tax deductions!

So it might be a bit counter-intuitive that this month I am actually limiting the number of new clients I'll be welcoming in to Grow, Serve & Shine.

If you're looking to work with me to Grow, Serve & Shine in your biz, want to get started this month (and add it to 2015-2016's expenses!) then you'll need to be one of two people to take inspired action.

I'm only welcoming 2 new clients into Grow, Serve & Shine this month.

Learn more about my private coaching here.

Book in to speak with me about working together here