Embracing Vibhishana in your Yoga biz in 2019

Embracing Vibhishana in your Yoga biz in 2019

May 2019 bring you ease and flow, inspiration and insight in your Yoga biz, all while serving the students who need what you have to offer.

I am SO delighted that you are joining this community for another year of Abundant Yoga Teacher trainings and support. I love that you're here.

Over the week I've spent A LOT of time with my journal. On NYE it hit me that in order for 2019 to be TRULY different, things needed to REALLY change.

So today on the podcast I'm going to tell you the story of one of the characters from the Ramayana who totally gets change. Like, in a complete night to day kind of way.

Vibhishana was the brother of Ravana, the evil King of Lanka who stole Sita away.

(So if you think YOU'RE family Christmas gets heated...)

When this guy realised something had to change, he REALLY changed... and won incredible, surprising boons as a result.

I'll tell you the full story - as well as why I think more Vibhishana energy in your Yoga biz is going to make ALL the difference this year - in this podcast.

PS: Are you joining me on my Abundant Yoga Teacher National Tour?

This February I'll be visiting almost ALL of Australia's capital cities to host a Yoga Teacher Immersion and I would LOVE to see you there!

2018 Svadhyaya for Your Yoga Biz

2018 Svadhyaya for Your Yoga Biz

OOOOOOH! I ADORE this time of year.

For me, it's warm, sunny and the cray-cray of Christmas is behind us.

Aaaand, the New Year is yet to arrive.

It feels like the Kumbhaka in my biz, the pause between breathing in and breathing out.

So for me it is the BEST time to luxuriously and languidly take some Svadhyaya (self-reflection) time for me and my biz.

Today on the podcast I share with you my process, as well as celebrate the amazing things you've been up to this year.

And I share some of my most favourite journaling questions to get you in the reflective mood, as well.


GYYB  is the richest blend of Sangha and fun, group learning with potent, Yoga-specific business teachings. 

My Sankalpa is that is provides everything you need to transform your Yoga teaching into something more sustainable, more rewarding and more abundant.

Growing Your Yoga Business is an in-depth, 6-month Yoga business training program where you'll learn the mindset AND the nuts and bolts pieces to become an abundant Yoga business owner.

And when you register before midnight December 31 you'll receive the Early Bird Pricing...

A fun $1000 saving! 

But only when you register BEFORE midnight, AEST, NYE!

Mindfully Raising Your Prices for the New Year

Mindfully Raising Your Prices for the New Year

An approaching new year is the PERFECT time to be considering raising your class prices.

And guess what? Not only can a price increase be seamless and high vibe for your students, it can also be FUN and help to ATTRACT MORE STUDENTS for January.

What, Amy?? REALLY??


I'm going to teach you how LIVE in an hour. Come join me!

PS: Growing Your Yoga Biz is now open for EARLY BIRD REGISTRATIONS!

GYYB  is the richest blend of Sangha and fun, group learning with potent, Yoga-specific business teachings. 

My Sankalpa is that is provides everything you need to transform your Yoga teaching into something more sustainable, more rewarding and more abundant.

Growing Your Yoga Business is an in-depth, 6-month Yoga business training program where you'll learn the mindset AND the nuts and bolts pieces to become an abundant Yoga business owner.

And when you register before midnight December 31 you'll receive the Early Bird Pricing...

A fun $1000 saving! 

But only when you register BEFORE midnight, AEST, NYE!

Yoga Story Time: The Power of Perseverance

Yoga Story Time: The Power of Perseverance

Is there something in your Yoga biz that you've given up on?

Perhaps you've settled for having half-full classes.

Maybe you started using social media but you gave up before you saw results.

Or have you inquired about calling in more support (a cleaner, a VA, someone to take some professional pics) but you've not actually signed a contract?

Sticking-with-it-ness is one of the best things Yoga teaches us. Keeping on trying, working through blocks and barriers, challenging ourselves to lean in when we want to pull out.

Not scratching your nose in meditation.

Holding two more breaths in an inversion.

Reminding a student AGAIN to fold their blanket the right way.

Today on the podcast I'm celebrating this great teaching.

And who better to remind us of the power of perseverance than the ultimate Yogini herself, Parvati.

If 2019 is YOUR YEAR to grow your Yoga business so you can call in abundance while being in deep service to your community and working in a way that lights you up (and never overwhelms you!)...


'Growing Your Yoga Business' - my signature Yoga biz training program for Yogis - is NOW OPEN FOR REGISTRATIONS!

And what's more, register before the end of December ‘18 and you can access the...



Monthly Yoga Biz QnA

Monthly Yoga Biz QnA

Is there something just not working in your Yoga biz at the moment?

Perhaps you could use a brainstorm about filling the last few places in your Retreat.

Maybe you've got a tricky boundaries issue with a client.

I GOT YOU! Have a listen of this month’s Q’n’A session:

Why We Need to be BETTER Teachers!

Why We Need to be BETTER Teachers!

I was at a class at a LEADING Yoga school the other day.

It was a flow class, mixed level.

I was next to a man who was about to start a teacher training... the very next day.

The class was gong well. I was very aware that the guy next to me was breathing REALLY heavily. Laboured. Panting. Holding.

I glanced at him.

He was sweating and red faced.

We moved on to the supine poses. Next up was Supta Padangustasana.

This is not a happy pose for me, and nursing my poor old hips is important. So I like to be super present and keep my awareness on my femurs.

And yet I couldn't help notice that the guy next to me - still huffing, puffing and sweating - was doing something NOT EVEN CLOSE to the pose we were in.

But, want to know what REALLY took me out of the pose and in to my head?

The teacher didn't even come over to help him understand what he SHOULD be doing.


This guy was working hard.

He was about to start a YTT AT THAT STUDIO and was keen to grow and learn more about Yoga.

And the teacher didn't even come over to tell him he had it all backwards and was putting his body at risk.


I mean, really, WTF?

Pondering this afterwards it dawned on me that this was an angel messenger for me, and for this community.

Being in this class showed me that it is time for RADICAL improvement in our industry.

And that we get to be the leaders in this space.

Let's teach so well that anyone who goes to a crappy class KNOWS they aren't being exposed to great teaching. Because they've been to ours and they know what quality is.

Not because it's about ego.

Not because we are into comparison.


3 Ways to Bring More Yoga Philosophy Into Your Classes

3 Ways to Bring More Yoga Philosophy Into Your Classes

Do you LOVE Yoga philosophy? Do you like geeking out about metaphysics?

Maybe its the texts: the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, the Radiance Sutras?

Or do you love the mythology and story telling?

For some Yoga teachers the idea of bringing these nerdy Yoga loves into class feels uncomfortable.

So this week on the podcast I'm taking this topic head on. You'll learn my three favourite ways to bring more Yoga philosophy into your classes... and who knows, maybe create a few more #yoganerds!

Books for your #yogaphilosophy reference:

  • Awakening Shakti by Sally Kempton

  • Adiyogi by Sad Guru

  • Light on Pranayama by BKS Iyengar

  • Paths to God by Ram Das

  • The Bagavad Gita for Modern Times by Swami Saddashiva Tirtha

  • The Living Gita by Swami Satchidananda

  • True Yoga by Jenny Lee

  • Two Lifestyles, One Lifetime by Les Leventhal

  • The Radiance Sutras by Lorin Roche

How to Confidently Call In New Students Using Live Video

How to Confidently Call In New Students Using Live Video

Hey there,

Does the idea of going live on Facebook terrify you?

Scary as you might find it, many of my clients have been getting great results filling workshops and events by jumping on FB live and chatting about what they are offering and why it would be gorgeous for their students.

So this week on the podcast, I shared some tips for feeling confident on FB live, as well as some techy tricks to make your informal, warm videos still look great.

PS: The clock is running down to secure your place on the Abundant Yoga Teacher Retreat ...

...will I see you in Thailand in January?

Doors close on Wednesday, November 21st!

Here is the link to learn more about it: http://www.amymcdonald.com.au/retreats/

If you've got questions about the Retreat you want to talk about before signing up, please just reply to this email and we'll set up a time to talk. I promise: there truely are NO silly questions.

I'd love to see you in Thailand. (And remember there are only 4 spots left at Tier Two pricing.)

xo Amy

Monthly Yoga Biz QnA

Monthly Yoga Biz QnA

On this week’s podcast, I'm answering YOUR Yoga biz questions.

What do you need help with right now?

Where could you use a little extra support?

What would a pinch of 1:1 biz coaching mean for the abundance you're calling in to your Yoga teaching?

PS: Last weekend I announced the BEST bonus so far...


I'm giving everyone who registers for the Abundant Yoga Teacher Retreat a FREE 3-hour coaching intensive with me!

Here is the link to learn more about it: http://www.amymcdonald.com.au/retreats/

This bonus is ONLY available until SUNDAY NIGHT.

So if you know you are meant to be on Retreat with me in January and the idea of follow up coaching with me once you return home feels expansive AND supportive for you...

Get yourself registered!

Here is the link to learn more: http://www.amymcdonald.com.au/retreats/

And if you are interested but have questions for me first, please just reply to this email and well set up a time to talk. I promise: there are NO silly questions.

I'd love to see you in Thailand. (And remember there are 5 spots left.)

xo Amy

Making the Holidays Abundant in Your Yoga Biz

Making the Holidays Abundant in Your Yoga Biz

Do you think that your Yoga biz goes glacial during the holidays?

No one comes to class.

Your bank balance plunges.

You're not sure how to take a break AND create income?

This week on the Abundant Yoga Teacher Podcast I shared LIVE three ways you can create an abundance boost in your Yoga biz over the holidays WHILE also taking a break and enjoying yourself!

PS: I have TWO places remaining on the Abundant Yoga Teacher Retreat (Tier 2).

Here is the link to learn more about it: http://www.amymcdonald.com.au/retreats/

After teaching 9 international Retreats I have developed the experience and insight to create a powerful space for Yoga teachers to come together for learning, reflection and transformation.

This coming Retreat is going to be even more potent.

I am already planning out our theme (think Adiyogi... Ooohhhhh).

Here is the link to learn more: http://www.amymcdonald.com.au/retreats/

And if you are interested but have questions for me first, please just reply to this email and well set up a time to talk. I promise: there are NO silly questions.

I'd love to see you in Thailand. (And remember there are 2 spots left.)

xo Amy

Behind the Scenes of My Retreat

Behind the Scenes of My Retreat

This coming January I'll be packing my carry on with my magical toolkit and taking myself overseas for my 10th international Yoga teacher retreat.

Over the past 9 years I've taught in many counties to all sorts of different people. From Yoga teachers to Tibetan nuns. From friendly, high-vibe colleagues to bitches and snarky ex's (yes, really).

I've learnt SO much: most from my mistakes.

What sort of mistake?

Ah... this poster will give you a sense of them!

This week on the podcast I'm going to go 'story teller' mode: all the juicy f*ck ups I made on retreats, how I've developed my spidey senses to pick out a weirdo and REFUND her before its too late (I can share how to do it!) and a bunch of other fun yarns so you can AVOID all the retreat clangers I made!

We are going live NOW

Be there live for a super special announcement (as well as the most candid behind the scenes stories you're going to get... and from Amy that is REALLY saying something!!)

PS: I have FOUR places remaining on the Abundant Yoga Teacher Retreat (Tier 2).

Here is the link to learn more about it: http://www.amymcdonald.com.au/retreats/

After teaching 9 international Retreats I have developed the experience and insight to create a powerful space for Yoga teachers to come together for learning, reflection and transformation.

This coming Retreat is going to be even more potent.

I am already planning out our theme (think Adiyogi... Ooohhhhh).

Here is the link to learn more: http://www.amymcdonald.com.au/retreats/

And if you are interested but have questions for me first, please just reply to this email and well set up a time to talk. I promise: there are NO silly questions.

I'd love to see you in Thailand. (And remember there are 4 spots left.)

xo Amy

Preparing for Your First Yoga Photoshoot

Preparing for Your First Yoga Photoshoot

Want to know a secret?

My first Yoga photoshoot was SUCH a terrifying DISASTER that the photographer actually called me after and gave me the number to a suicide hotline.

No sh!t.

That actually happened.

And it's because I was SO freaked and triggered and got almost ALL of it seriously wrong-town.

Because just in this past week three Yoga teachers in my community have asked questions about prepping for their Yoga photoshoot...

... I thought I'd better do a podcast on it!

If the idea of having a professional photographer take your pic terrifies you...

If you're not sure how to prepare to make the most of your photoshoot investment...

If you want to get clear on your role in the photographer/client relationship…

Then have a listen.

PS: I'm in Byron Bay at the moment studying with one of my teachers.

Yesterday I had the blessing of an impromptu lunch (#veganburgers!) with Sam, who came on the Abundant Yoga Teacher Retreat last month.

Over turmeric latte Sam and I were chatting about the goals she set on retreat. She told me that she was having a video conference with some of the other retreat participants to check in with each other 30 days on.

We also chatted about her coming along to the January retreat as well!

My Abundant Yoga Teacher Retreat truly is a powerful and potent week of celebrating all of you: the Yogi, the business owner, the person.

It's where lasting friendships are formed.

Where you can be a student again.

Be inspired and motivated AND inspire and motivate others.

We are now half full for the January 2019 Retreat (and that doesn't include Sam!)

Stop Goals Becoming Fantasies with Clear Boundaries and Priorities

Stop Goals Becoming Fantasies with Clear Boundaries and Priorities

Goals are necessary to set the intention and direction in your Yoga biz. But without taking ACTION, they can be come comforting fantasies.

In this podcast I'm sharing how this has shown up in my life (hint: too many dating analogies!) and what we can all do to avoid it happening again.


Also, get yourself registered for the masterclass happening this weekend and get my personal support to create an action plan to have you reaching your Yoga biz goals THIS YEAR!


Reaching Your Yoga Biz Goals in 2018!

Reaching Your Yoga Biz Goals in 2018!

I don't know about you, but September can be a 'blah' month for me...

...it's been a long haul.

I've implemented and grown.

I've taken a bunch of trainings and learned loads.

I've completed the two retreats I offer for the year.

And I'm kind of feeling a little, like, 'I'm kind of done for the year'.

But here's the thing. NOW is actually the most powerful time of the year. YES people still want - AND NEED - Yoga. YES you can make that additional money in your biz this year. YES you can complete your projects. And YES you can prepare for 2019.

So this week on the Podcast I'm going to be talking all things 'Achieving Your Yoga Biz Goals'...

PS: Have you registered yet for the 'Achieve Your Yoga Biz Goals' Masterclass happening this weekend yet?

Here is the link to save your place: https://app.moonclerk.com/pay/27t5hqs0istk

This is going to be a 90-minute 'get your hands dirty' workshop where I'll be working with you on getting clear and focussed so that you finish out the year feeling amazing about your Yoga biz.

If you want me personal mentoring and coaching support on your next three months of biz planning, make sure you register and join me live.

Here is the link again: https://app.moonclerk.com/pay/27t5hqs0istk

See you on the weekend!


Using Email More Effectively in Your Yoga Biz

Using Email More Effectively in Your Yoga Biz

Today we are talking emails: what is DEAD in email land and how you can use emails more effectively to keep your students coming back.

I'll also walk you through a simple onboarding email sequence to keep brand new students coming back.

And if you're up for more clarity and a clear action plan to make the last quarter of 2018 the most aligned, prosperous and in-service so far, make sure you sign up for the Masterclass happening this weekend:

'Achieving Your Yoga Biz Goals in 2018'

Here is the link to register: https://app.moonclerk.com/pay/27t5hqs0istk

How I Filled My Classes: Inside Scoop + Templates!

How I Filled My Classes: Inside Scoop + Templates!

Sometimes you just want someone else to tell you EXACTLY what to do, right?


This week on the podcast I'm going to tell you EXACTLY what to write in your emails, FB ads and website to sell out your classes.

I know it works because it's JUST what I did to call 16 people into my class (that had room for 14... but that's another podcast topic!)

And if you're looking for some virtual handouts, I've got you covered there, too.

Templates, swipe files and 'copy and paste' all done for you.

(You're welcome ;)

Here are the links to access the templates and swipe files from this training.

Access the sales page for the classes here:

Access the three emails sent out to my 90 person mailing list - each one week apart - here:

And here is a copy of the FB ad I used to promote the classes:


PS: In just over 4 months a powerful group of Yoga teachers will be joining me on retreat in northern Thailand for the 5th Abundant Yoga Teacher Retreat.

You can read more about it here: http://www.amymcdonald.com.au/retreats

There are now just 2 places left at the Tier 1 pricing level...

...So if you'd like one, jump on in!

And if you do take up one of these places by TOMORROW night, you'll also receive a free 90-minute private coaching intensive with me valued at $500!

Learn all about the retreat here: http://www.amymcdonald.com.au/retreats

And here is what Louise - who just joined me last month on Retreat - had to say about her experience:

"The Abundant Yoga Teacher Retreat marked the start of my full-time career in yoga and it’s the best thing that I could have done. It’s given me clarity, focus and probably most importantly the confidence to go out there and really make a success of my yoga biz. Oh, and the setting, the food, the company is to die for!"

Louise Neicho, Woodland Yoga


Monthly Yoga Biz QnA Live with Amy

Monthly Yoga Biz QnA Live with Amy

It is so important to draw inspiration from the leaders in our industry.

How did our favourite 'Yoga-lebrities' get where they are today? What did they do to overcome adversity, choose the perfect teachers and fill up their classes, workshops and events?

And then there is a time to put this inspiration into practice.

How are YOU going to fill up your classes?

Build a great website?

Generate prosperity doing what you love?

Today I'm hosting a live business coaching session for you where I'm all set to answer any Yoga biz questions you may have.

PS: I am delighted to announce that Tier 1 tickets are now on sale for the Abundant Yoga Teacher Retreat in Thailand in January!

You can read all about it here: http://www.amymcdonald.com.au/retreats/

The Abundant Yoga Teacher Retreat is a week of rest and relaxation, Yoga and meditation and a deep dive into your Yoga business.

I'll take you to one of my most favourite places in the world, where I decided to become a Yoga teacher and where I taught my first ever retreat 9 years ago.

You'll make new friends, learn new skills and actually take a BREAK!

Here's the link again to read all about it: http://www.amymcdonald.com.au/retreats/

There are 6 places available in Tier 1, as well as a payment plan to make it easier to save your place.

And here is what Sam had to say about her time on retreat earlier this month:

Embracing Ferocity in Yoga: 3 Quick Tips

Embracing Ferocity in Yoga: 3 Quick Tips

I remember the day in my corporate job when I KNEW it was time to leave.
I was hosting a meeting with some important folks from out of town. The meeting room I had booked was still full of people, running overtime.
I popped my head in the door, gently reminded them of the time and asked them to finish up.
Afterwards, the host of the late meeting came to see me.
‘Amy, I was really surprised by your behaviour today.’
‘Oh? Why is that’ I replied.
‘Well, couldn’t you just wait for us to finish? Did you have to ask us to leave?’
‘Yes. I did.’
‘Gee, Amy. I thought you were a Yoga teacher’ – she paused and looked down her nose at me – ‘I thought you’ve be more ZEN.’
I mean, ARGH on SOOOO many levels!!!
These sorts of judgements about what Yoga is and what it means to be a Yogi drive me WILD.
What about you?
Have you ever been called ‘too intense’?
Or that you were too bold, clear, intentional or passionate?
That you should ‘chillax’?
This week on the podcast I want to reclaim ferocity in Yoga. It’s TIME!!!

PS: Speaking of FIERCE… The women who joined me on the Abundant Yoga Teacher Retreat have headed home to their SEVEN countries more emboldened, confident and ready to fiercely serve!
We’ve had a powerful week of retreat, rest, renewal and reignition!

(Check out ore pics on insta: @AmyYogaBizCoach)
And also take a look at the VERY limited SUPER EARLY BIRD for 2019 Abundant Yoga Teacher Retreat here: