How to incorporate the essential teachings of Siva Nataraja for greater biz flow

How to incorporate the essential teachings of Siva Nataraja for greater biz flow

Dancing Siva--the ultimate Yogi is his 'Ananda Tandava'--has LOADS to teach us about being in flow and recognising that every part of our businesses are in constant movement, shifting from one stage to the next.

In this call I'll break down some of the things Siva Nataraja has to share, and how we can apply them to our bizzes to flow more, stress less, and be OK (or even lit up!) about change.

How to channel the secret power in procrastination

How to channel the secret power in procrastination

If you've NEVER experienced procrastination before, please navigate away from this page...

Oh, still here? Great! In this Weekly Call I'm sharing three hidden boons that can hide in procrastination, as well as how you can make friends with the Golden Pillow. (Trust me, it will make sense once you listen in!)

I'm also sharing more about what a day in the life of being on retreat with me looks like! Remember there are just two weeks before the Early Bird registration flies away, so now is not the time to procrastinate if you'd like to join us. 

Insider Yoga DJ tips to amazing music in your Yoga classes

Insider Yoga DJ tips to amazing music in your Yoga classes

In this week's Abundant Yoga Teacher Weekly Call we're talking all things music in class.

You'll meet a very inspiring client of mine, yoga teacher and DJ Selena Isles (DJ Serious Black) who will share her wisdom to curate great class playlists, what its like being on a national Yoga festival circuit AND celebrating the launch of her new album! Super fun.

Imagine falling back in love with your business and reconnecting to why you are doing it in the first place.

Imagine finally having the clarity you need to break through to the next level of your yoga biz.

Come on retreat with me to experience all this and more from a place of joy, rather than a place of stress.

(Oh, and did I mention there will be Yoga, meditation and the most amazing Thai food you've ever had??

The Early bird registrations for my Abundant Yoga Teacher Retreat finish soon. Learn more here:

And there is also one scholarship place remaining. If you would like to take it, please email me at

(The early bird price is $1597, the standard price is $1997 and the scholarship is $997: nice, eh?)

How to Make Your Yoga Biz Make Money

How to Make Your Yoga Biz Make Money

First up, a short note from me from Berlin! (Feeling the Bhav... can you tell?)

Next, in this week's call I'm sharing my responses to this question, 'How do I make my Yoga biz MAKE money?' Enjoy!

Learn more about 'Make Your Yoga Biz Make Money' right here:

Not sure what you can achieve with me in just 3 hours? Here is what one of my clients said this week about 3 hours with me:

‘Make Your Yoga Biz Make Money’ is open for registrations only through to the end of the month.
However, the time we will spend together will be scheduled at a time that suits both of us perfectly somewhere in the period early July to mid August.

So there is loads of time to fit it in to your calendar.

In fact, I’m intentionally keeping those 5 weeks aside specifically for working with the gorgeous folks who are already enrolling for the program.

This offer does go away 30 June or once the 16 places are sold (whichever comes first).

Here is the link to learn more:


How to Offer, Fill and Hold Retreats with Grace and Ease

How to Offer, Fill and Hold Retreats with Grace and Ease

Once we get past the basics: overcoming visibility, comfort with marketing, filling our exisiting classes and feeling more confident about what makes us unique in what we offer, many of us desire to offer longer opportunities for our students.

If you've thought about workshops or retreats, or if you'd like some insights to make your future workshops and retreats even better, you'll enjoy this call!

Can you believe that the year is almost half way done? Yowsers!

June is a busy time for us biz coaches because its the time when folks realise that they aren't quite tracking to their goals for the year... and people are also thinking about tax deductions!

So it might be a bit counter-intuitive that this month I am actually limiting the number of new clients I'll be welcoming in to Grow, Serve & Shine.

If you're looking to work with me to Grow, Serve & Shine in your biz, want to get started this month (and add it to 2015-2016's expenses!) then you'll need to be one of two people to take inspired action.

I'm only welcoming 2 new clients into Grow, Serve & Shine this month.

Learn more about my private coaching here.

Book in to speak with me about working together here


The Importance of Authentic Voice for Yoga Teachers

The Importance of Authentic Voice for Yoga Teachers

Last month I sent around a video about the importance of using your authentic voice as an essential ingredient to creating, offering and filling inspired and rewarding classes, workshops and opportunities for your clients and students.

On the Abundant Yoga Teacher Weekly Call this week we are taking this conversation a step further...

I'm delighted to introduce you to a new colleague and friend of mine, Nicki Shira Byrne, Yogini and Vocal Coach.

During the call I'll be speaking with Nicki about how we use our voice, how we can love it and protect it, and how we can convey themes, energy and information by mindfully accessing the full range of our voices.

It is going to be fun conversation and--knowing Nicki--there will be some surprises as well as some very practical tools.

If you are inspired with the idea of working with me privately, I have two options currently available:

Learn more about Grow, Serve & Shine: a 4-month private yoga biz coaching program here:

Learn more about my destination Private Coaching Intensives here:

Learn more about my destination Private Coaching Intensives here:

Transitioning Your Yoga Biz for Travel and Flexibility

Transitioning Your Yoga Biz for Travel and Flexibility

One of the things my clients love to work with me on is how to transition their business model to something that is more flexible, so they can travel, take time out / off when they need to and not feel totally tied to studios to earn an income.

In this call I'm going to interview a current client of mine about his transition to being more flexible (oof: was that a bad Yoga gag...) as well as share my insider tips about how to have an abundant biz on the road!

How heart-felt product sales supports your biz AND your clients!

How heart-felt product sales supports your biz AND your clients!

Does your business have a passive income stream? Do you even know what passive income is?

In this call we'll be talking all things product sales. How do you get started? What sorts of products make sense to offer your clients and students?

I'll also be sharing case studies from my own business and those of my clients, covering the full range: from electronic down loads through to beauty products and yoga props.

If you've ever thought of including products to your service based biz, you'll love this call.

Are you coming on my retreat for free?

If you're ready to take your Yoga biz or holistic practice to the next level with my support and guidance, let's get started now!

Investing in my Grow, Serve & Shine 4-month coaching program this month includes a complimentary place on my retreat in October (valued at $2,000).

Visibility and branding masterclass

Visibility and branding masterclass

The most common thing holistic practitioners and Yoga teachers share with me is that they can't seem to find enough clients and students.

Interestingly, what they don't recognise in themselves is that they can't find their students because they are hiding themselves.

Can you relate?

Is your website current, engaging and really reflective of the calibre of your offerings? Is you Facebook and Insta active, bright, and drawing conversation from your people?

If any of these aren't squared away then you are getting in your own way of attracting new students and clients.

In this Masterclass I'll be sharing some get started right now tricks and tips if you ever feel nervous or unsure about your branding or visibility.

Think of it as branding and visibility for dummies (and I means this in a loving way!!)

I've studied online marketing for over four years now, including working with my own coach who specialises in these things. I also have a background in freelance journalism, copy writing and copy editing. These are some of the skills I bring to any coaching relationship. (In fact some of my clients record our coaching sessions because I can real off copy which saves them lots of time and a few grey hairs!)

If you're interested in hiring me as your coach to up-level your business branding and work with you to overcome any visibility blocks or barriers, now is a great time.

Last week I offered three places in my private coaching program, Grow Serve & Shine, this month with one very special bonus...

If you sign up for Grow, Serve & Shine private Yoga business coaching this month you'll also receive a complimentary ticket to my Abundant Yoga Teacher Retreat in October (valued at $1997).

In both your private coaching and your deep-dive tropical immersion you'll receive my personal support to up-level your branding and services in a way that is tailored to your voice, vision and Path.

And you'll also receive the nuts and bolts training so you can make the changes you desire to without being bamboozled with technology or visibility issues!

If this lights you up the first step is to have a discussion with me. This will be a fun, light conversation to discuss you,  your Yoga biz goals and whether we might be a good fit for each other. Find a time that suits you here:

Reclaiming Your Personal Practice

Reclaiming Your Personal Practice

Super fun speaking with everyone yesterday about the importance of a personal practice, my five top tips to get you started again, and how our 21-day challenge is going to roll.

If you're joining us on the Challenge, make sure to celebrate your successes with me on Periscope @AmyYogaBizCoach every day of the Challenge and on Instagram @amyYogaBizCoach.

Use the hashtag #reclaimchallenge when you Insta you in action!

Also on the call I announced something VERY exciting! Drum roll...


I am super excited to announce that I am gifting THREE complimentary places in my Abundant Yoga Teacher Retreat in Thailand to the first three folks who sign up for personal Yoga biz coaching with me this month.

Working with me by your side will radically expand and clarify your biz and your biz direction, as well as increase your abundance. It is the most comprehensive and supportive way to work with me.

You can learn more about it here:

Here is what one of my gorgeous clients has to say about her experience working with me:

So if you're really ready to Grow, Serve & Shine in your business and receive my guidance, mentorship, support AND loving accountability...

If you know that it's YOUR time to spread your gifts more widely and generate an income that supports your own Path...

AND if you love the idea of joining me for 7 days of retreat in Thailand for FREE to celebrate the successes you've implemented...

Let's get started!

Reply to this email and let's set a time to talk about this super limited opportunity and make sure that we are the right fit for each other.

I love exciting MASSIVE freebies... I love to give you one!

xox Amy

Amy's Personal Manifestation Process

Amy's Personal Manifestation Process

In this call I'm sharing my own personal manifestation process, which comes with a dose of Yoga geek-out, of course!

In the call I'm referring to this book: 

Also on this call I'm sharing a heads-up about the final coaching scholarship for 2016 and asking for a show of hands as to who would like to do some Surya Namaskar A with me via Periscope (where 'some' = 108 ;) )

I'm also offering free Strategy Sessions this week, so if you'd like an hour of coaching on your Yoga biz, book in here:

Enjoy the replay!

Cliffs, nets and why NOW is the RIGHT TIME!

Cliffs, nets and why NOW is the RIGHT TIME!

Where are you relative to your goals for 2016?

What needs ramping up?

What needs to be released and dissolved? 

In this Weekly Call I'm explaining why this time of year is when we are more vulnerable to a 'sagging middle', and what three things are the most common reasons why people don't leap off the cliff when they really desire to!

Also on this call I'm opening up THREE only Money Manifestation Breakthrough Sessions if you truly desire to come to Thailand with me AND secure the Super Early Bird Registration and are stuck with the money piece.

To book in for one of these sessions you need to be convinced that coming to Thailand is right for you (because I'm not going to convince you!) AND ready to get creative with me about ways you can call in the funds you require to get you on retreat with us.

Please use this link to book your time (and please note in your booking that you specifically require a Money Manifestation Breakthrough Session):

These sessions are only valid through to Saturday night (when the Super Early Bird ends).

I can't wait to see you in Thailand!

Masterminding: What is it and why is it essential?

Masterminding: What is it and why is it essential?

This week we're talking all things masterminding: what is is, why I REALLY recommend it, how to start one and how to avoid potential pitfalls when you do decide to start.


I'm also sharing you some of my actual mastermind, so you can meet the amazing women in my masterminding group as well as hearing how they handle me in a mini-meltdown!

Here is me with two of my mastermind buddies - Carlota and Siobhan - in Florence. Super fun! (And you'll get to know them a little on the podcast.)

Masterminding has made the biggest difference to growing my Yoga business. Keeping the company of these high vibe women has inspired me to keep moving forward, address my limiting beliefs and conditioning and stay accountable when I've felt like slacking off!

Masterminding is essential.

If you're ready to meet high vibe people and form your own powerful AND fun masterminding group, register for my Abundant Yoga Teacher Retreat is Thailand this October!

This Retreat is for you if- (18).jpg

Simple Business Planning for Yogis and Other Creatives

Simple Business Planning for Yogis and Other Creatives

In this weekly call I'm sharing my process for business planning.

I'm also going totally into TMI territory with my monthly income goals, targets and methods, as well as sharing exactly how I get myself sorted every morning to make sure I'm staying on track while remaining flexible and open to emerging opportunities, rest and wild changes of direction!

Are you coming on retreat with me? There are just 2 weeks left to secure the Super Early Bird Registration!

Come on a Journey with me!

Come on a Journey with me!

Wow! It is finally time to open registrations for my first retreat in almost 2 years!

This Abundant Yoga Teacher Retreat is a deep, nurturing and supportive wellbeing retreat where we come together each day to bring forth your business best, from a place of rest, openness and contemplation.

Our daily meditation and journalling will be designed to rekindle your passion for your practice and craft, as well as draw forth inspiration, ideas and creativity to grow your business, serve more people and generate abundance.

Our daily Yoga classes will encourage you to dissolve blocks and barriers to abundance, from conditioning to self-abandoning and limiting self-belief.

In our abundant business workshops you'll receive the information and guidance you need without being bothered by details that won't support your growth. All of our activities will be directly applicable: and there will be time to mastermind, share and implement together, too.

In this podcast I'm sharing more about the retreat, as well as a VERY limited and special registration offer. Enjoy!

Social Media Marketing for (Terrified) Yoga Teachers

Social Media Marketing for (Terrified) Yoga Teachers

Online marketing  isn't just for international teachers and coaches.

With some simple training and step-by-step instructions my clients have used things like facebook ads to reach out to new--and loyal--students!

In this training I'll share 4 foundational concepts to feel steady in your online marketing approach as well as trouble shoot some common problems and fears.

I used to be not only tech oblivious, I was tech terrified...!!!

So I get it if the idea of posting Yoga pics of yourself everywhere or pouring over google analytics gives you 'Ustrasana tummy'.

The good news is that I've figured out the few things you need and all the things you don't to create a strong, confident and magnetic online presence without needing to spend hours on your computer or looking at your phone.

If up-levelling your online presence and attracting new students and clients to your classes, retreats and events is something that would help you Grow, Serve & Shine in your Yoga business, I'd be honoured to help.

Let's get started with a complimentary discovery call.

How to feel aligned (and fantastic!) about charging your worth.

How to feel aligned (and fantastic!) about charging your worth.

So many talented and generous Yoga teachers and holistic practitioners get stuck when it comes to charging for their classes and services.

The result? Feeling trapped under-earning and attracting clients that don't value what you have to offer.

In this Weekly Call I'm sharing a few simple steps I use when determining my prices so that I feel great about my rates, attract abundance and students I love working with, AND can afford to offer scholarships, trades and freebies when I feel called to.

Why student loyalty is essential and how to foster it

Why student loyalty is essential and how to foster it

I know that so much of my joy and sense of professional accomplishment comes from having spent years working with the students in my Kula. At the end of every eighth class or so someone brings a cake to share after our class. We have a pre-Yoga produce swap. I get notes like this from my students at Christmas:

'Dear Amy, Just wanted to say thank you for the yoga classes over the last year. I don't think I've ever got so much out of Yoga!'

Or this one:

'Yoga and your class has been the constant throughout my wife's cancer treatment, to have a break from it all, to relax, rejuvenate, regroup. I remember the classes as the best yoga I have done. My body and mind surrendered to the practice. The weight of the initial decisions and appointments were so heavy. After yoga for a moment I was light and could face it all again. So I just wanted to say thanks, I don’t know what I would have done without it.'       

And its not just friendship and heart-song that lifts me up.

It's watching people's bodies change, and even more excitingly, watching their attitudes about their own bodies change over time.

It's very, very cool.

And it requires student and teacher loyalty. Return patronage. 

It's about YOUR vibe creating YOUR tribe.

And of course this is enormously useful in managing finances, knowing when money will be coming in. The students that always sign up for packages of classes, who enjoy, remember and appreciate my teaching and who tell their friends to come and join us. And this is good for my business.

In this podcast I'm sharing how you can boost your student loyalty for the benefit of all. Enjoy!

How to feel really good about saying 'No' in life and businesss


How to feel really good about saying 'No' in life and businesss

In this Abundant Yoga Teacher Weekly Call we're talking all things boundaries.

If you've ever felt uncomfortable about correcting a student's pose, seeing clients that aren't quite right for you, filling in for a colleague when you'd rather be at home, gone overtime with your service to make sure the client 'got value'...

Chances are your boundaries could use a bit of love.

I'm sharing a three part process to set great boundaries that help you be a better practitioner and elevate the energy you share with your clients and students.

There are still places available in my Private Coaching Intensives schedule! Woot!

In your own Private Intensive you will have a full day to be guided and supported in your Yoga or other holistic business.

After having my own life changing intensive with my own Mentor, my coaching business radically shifted.

A private intensive is your opportunity to achieve more progress toward your business goals than you can in a 2 or 3 month period!

With no distractions and me as your mentor by your side we will put your very own plan in place to grow your business and support your abundant path as a holistic practitioner.
